About the Residency Program

© Richard Garrett
Resident Stewards live at Forest Farm, manage the gardens, live off the land, introduce educational programs, provide tours, and welcome the hundreds of visitors who come to Forest Farm every year.
The Residency is designed to perpetuate Forest Farm as a place of contemplation, to promote the mission and goals of The Good Life Center, and offers residents a rare opportunity for simple living, organic gardening, and inspiration. A simply furnished, wood-heated resident apartment is provided, along with a modest stipend, garden vegetables, special access to the Nearing library, and the opportunity to meet like-minded people from around the world. Residents will receive support and supervision from the farm manager and the head gardener.
The season is Memorial Day through Indigenous Peoples Day and requires 25 hours of work per week per person with two days off each week. Applicants must be nonsmokers, have hands-on gardening experience, and the capability to commit to the full season. Vegetarian meals are required while on grounds. Knowledge of the Nearings’ writings and philosophy is a plus.
It is hoped that a season of immersion in the Nearing lifeways, combining hand labor and intellectual pursuit, will enliven the Residents’ capacities to make future contributions to progressive social change.
To apply for the Residency or for more information, email Warren Berkowitz/Good Life Center: wberks@myfairpoint.net